Engleza, întrebare adresată de ddaniel648, 8 ani în urmă

o scrisoare in engelza despre cum mam intalnit cu idolu meu

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de andreaatimofti018

How I met my idol. I was on vacation in America and I went to a public show he was my idol and I started screaming sper sa i-ei notă buna:))

costeanunicoleta: I was on the street and went for a walk with my family. We stopped at a restaurant, where we sat at the table. A dubious person in a strange suit enters the store. He sits down at a table and takes off his mask. I am amazed for a few seconds. He was really my idol. I could not believe it. I went and took a picture and then I said goodbye. This experiment remained remarkable to me.
Răspuns de BananaCuProbleme
Dear (numele prietenului tau,am cuiva )
I was on vacation in Dubai.There u won’t GUESS what happened!I met Ariana Grande!(poti sa pui si alt nume :)) I was shocked!She gave me an autograph.I talked to her and I saw she was a really nice person.I will Never forgot her.
How about you?Did u ever met a celebrity?

Your(numele tau)
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