Engleza, întrebare adresată de viusencuroxana, 9 ani în urmă

O scurta povestire a unui concert cu următoarele cerinte: ce am văzut, despre ce era vorba,ce crezi despre asta și de ce

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de 11Maya22
I was going at Ariana Grande concert it was wonderful and i was take a lot of pictures there also with ariana.how it was happen to go there it was because i was finish school with 10 and my dad it was get tikets i was very happy and i was run a lot.My dad it was promise me cause if i will finish next year again with 10 it wil get tikets but at rihanna

un multumesc si o coronita te rog?

viusencuroxana: Mulțumesc
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