Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 9 ani în urmă

O traducere corecta va rog:
The women i love says that there is no one whom she would rather marry
than me, not if Jupiter himself were to woo her.
Says: but what a women says to her ardent lover
should be written in wind and running water.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Geta1955
The woman I love says that there is no one whom she would rather marry than me, not if Jupiter himself were to woo her. Says;—but what a woman says to her ardent lover should be written in wind and running water.

Femeia pe care o iubesc zice ca nu s-ar marita cu nimeni decat cu mine, nici macar cu Zeus insusi daca ar peti-o.
Asta zice; dar vorbele spuse de o femeie iubitului ei ar putea fi scrise pe vant si pe undele apelor curgatoare (in sensul ca sunt vorbe in vant).

Geta1955: cu placere
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