Ofer coroană...ajutor

Răspunsuri la întrebare
Question number 1
No, Valentine's Day, isn't in fact an American festivity, because it is a very old European tradition.
Question number 2
The feast of Lupercalia was celebrated on February 15th, in honour of Juno, The Roman Goddess of Fertility.
Question number 3
Pope Gelasius abolished Lupercalia and all the other pagan festivals, yet Valentine's Day remained.
Question Number 4
It is said, that Valentine was the one secretly marrying couples, on Valentine's Day.
Question Number 5
In the Middle Ages, the name Valentine was starting to be associated with romantic love
Question Number 6
Today, Valentine's Day is celebrated on February 14th all over the world.
Question Number 7
Typical presents for Valentine's Day, are for example, Cards, Boxes of Chocolate, jewels and so many more.
Question Number 8
Yes, Valentine's Day is celebrated in my country. And of course it is a nice holiday, because people can express their true love to each other!
( Again, this depends on what country you live in, I assume Romania, in this case just add some more details, and it's going to be perfect)
Exercise number 2
Valentine's Day originated from the old Romans, it's name was Lupercalia.
The Romans brought the festivity to England where it is rumoured that a man, married people on Valentine's Day, and the man's name was Valentine. The whole purpose of Valentine's Day was just to make people happy, and make it easier for them to express their true love. Nowadays Valentine's Day, didn't lose its prepossessing meaning, and yet people share with gifts, and express their true love...
Greetings! ( Salutări )
I certainly hope that this answer was useful, and that you now understand how to solve such a thing.
( Sper, că ți-a fost util, și că acum înțelegi, cum să îndeplinești un astfel de exercițiu )
That's it for now, have a nice day, and remember to be brainiac as usual!