Ofer coroana
Am nevoie urgent

Răspunsuri la întrebare
2. the tallest
3. the longest
4. the prettiest
5. the youngest
6. the fattest
7. the best
8. the fastest
9 the most wet
10. the highest
11. the most exiting
12. the most careful
13. the most difficult
14. the most beautiful
15. the most interesting
16. the most generous
17. the most expensive
18. the most complicated
19. the most helpful
20. the most pleasant
2. tall- the tallest
3. long- the longest
4. pretty-the prettiest
5. young-the youngest
6. fat-the fattest
7. good- best
8. fast -the fastest
9. wet- the wettest
10. high -the highest
11. exciting- the most exciting
12. careful- most carefully
13. difficult- the most difficult
14. beautiful- the most beautiful
15. interesting- the most interesting
16.generous- the most generous
17. expensive- the most expensive
18.complicated-the most complicated
19.helpful- the most helpful
20. pleasant - most pleasantes
Adaugă -er pentru comparativ și -est pentru superlativ. Dacă adjectivul are o consoană + o singură vocală,consoana finală trebuie dublată înainte de a adăuga terminația.