Engleza, întrebare adresată de oxytodorov22, 9 ani în urmă

Open the brackets.
1. When (to be) ... it the last time when your parents planned a family adventure?
2. She never ( to disappoint) ... her parents.
3. When i came home my mother already ( to read) ... my first article in the magazine.
4. Respect and love should always ( to persist) ... in a real family.
5. Why you ( not to tell ) ... the truth to your mum?
6. While we ( to discuss) ... the plants for our vacantion my younger brother
( to come) ... with a new idea.
7. Communication ( to help ) ... us overcome family problems.
8. My grandparents ( to marry) ... for almost 40 years.
9. The children ( to prepare) ... the surprise before their parents came home.
10 Our family ( to move) ... into a new flat recently.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Elderlions
1. When is it the last time when your parents planned a family adventure?
2.She never disappointed her parents.
3. When I came home my mother already readed my first article in the magazine.
4. Respect and love should always persist in a real family.
5. Why you do not tell the truth to your mom?
6. will discuss, will come
7. Will help
8. married
9. prepared
10. moved

Cu plăcere. xD
Pe la sfârșit nu am mai avut răbdare, am scris doar răspunsurile
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