Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 9 ani în urmă

open the brackets playing attention to the collective nouns. Use both variants where it is possible
a)A pack of wolves (is seen/are seen) in the distance.
b)Clothes (is made/are made) of various materials , such as wool or cotton.
c)the cattle (is,are)in the shed.
d)There (is/are) usually many goods in the departament store .
e)The sweepings (is/are) always seen in her room when-ever you enter it.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de kinstonkofi
a)A pack of wolves is seen in the distance .
b)Clothes are made of various materials , such as wool or cotton .
c)The cattle is in the shed .
d)There are usually many good in the department store .
e)The sweepings are always seen in her room whenever you enter it .

kinstonkofi: Cu placere !
kinstonkofi: La c) era ''are'' , nu ''is''
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