Engleza, întrebare adresată de radupostica311, 9 ani în urmă

open the brackets using the proper from of the subjunctive mood a) IF YOU (to smoke), less,you(to feel) much better
b)Where would you like to live if you (not to live) in greece
c)If jack (to come) home earlier last night ,he (to call) you
 sila restul din caietul de teste de clasa a 8 exercit.3 pag 36

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de ioana174V
a) If you would smoke less, you would have felt much better.

would've = would have

b) Where would you like to live if you wouldn't have lived in Greece?

c) If Jack would have come home earlier last night, he would have called you.

Restul urmatoarea data scrie... fiindca eunu am caietul tau de teste :) Te pot ajuta dar nu am acel manual sau culegere.

carmensoho: Cum poti pune would dupa if????
ioana174V: Vrei sa-mi spui ca varianta corecta a exercitiului este If you were smoking less, you would have felt much better ?
carmensoho: Right! Nu se foloseste would dupa if..
carmensoho: You would feel better
ioana174V: atunci poti face tu o varianta mai corecta ca nu ma supar :)
ioana174V: Corectat de o profesoara: a) If you would smoke less, you would feel much better.

b) Where would you like to live if you were not living in Greece?

c) If Jack would have come home earlier last night, he would have called you.
carmensoho: If + past tense, = would + infinitive
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