Engleza, întrebare adresată de cebotareannata, 9 ani în urmă

Open the brackets using the verb in the proper tense.
a. We ( to go) to the Theatre this evening.The film (to begin) at 3p m.or 4p.m.
b.George (to fall) off the ladder while he ( to paint) the ceilalți ng.
c. Would You like something to eat ? No, thank You. I_____ just (to have) donner.
d. I ( not to drive) very fast whem the accident ( to challenge) .
e. Mr. and More. David were în a plane. They ( to be) very nervos as the plane ( to game) off because they ( to fly) never before.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de livioararascan
a. are going
b. fel
had painted
c.have had
d. weren't driving
had challenged
had flaught.
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