Opinion essay about 3 factors that affect our lives.
Răspunsuri la întrebare
Factors that influence the quality of life are:
-which is polluted or not the area where you live, due to the polluted matter, we will suffer because there are very high risks of disease
-food, nutrition and feeding influence our lives quite a bit because ^ we are what we consume ^. It would be preferable to have a proper diet that includes all the vitamins needed by the body
-hygiene we have on the body, the way we take care of the body is very important because if we don't take care of our body properly, we risk reaching some not very pleasant diseases
Factori ce influenteaza calitatea vietii sunt:
-cat de poluata sau nu este zona in care se traieste,din cauza materiei poluate,vom avea de suferit deoarece sunt riscuri de imbolnavire foarte mari
-alimentatia,alimentatia si modul de hranire ne influenteaza viata destul de mult pentru ca ^noi suntem ceea ce consumam^. De preferat ar fi sa avem o alimentatie corecta ce sa includa toate vitaminele necesare corpului
-igiena pe care o avem asupra corpului,modul de ingrijire a corpului este foarte important deoarece daca nu ne ingrijim corpul cum trebuie,riscam sa ajungem la niste boli nu prea placute