Engleza, întrebare adresată de petrachetrandafir, 8 ani în urmă

Order the words to make questions.
Then complete the short answers.
your mum / Has/blue / got / eyes?
Har your meu geox blue eyes?
No, she hasn't.


lauraandree715: nu îmi apare
petrachetrandafir: începe așa ex :Order the words to make questions. Then complete the short answers
lauraandree715: ai primit deja raspuns
petrachetrandafir: Da am vazut acum
lauraandree715: daca vrei iti pot scrie raspunsurile pentru ca am sesizat ca nu au fost specificate
petrachetrandafir: Da chiar te rog frumos
petrachetrandafir: ați voi da ți-e coroana
lauraandree715: a) no, they haven't . b)yes, he has. c) yes, I have. d) No, we haven't . e)yes, I have. d) no, he hasn't
petrachetrandafir: Multumesc frumos
lauraandree715: cu placere!

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de otvesmariaandrea


Have your parents got wavy hair ?

Răspuns de ali8030

1. Have got your parents wavy hair?

2. Has your brother got big feet?

3. Have you got a favorite animal?

4. Have we got English today?

5. Have I got long hair?

6. Has got your dog big ears?

sper ca te-am ajutat

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