Engleza, întrebare adresată de mirelayyy, 8 ani în urmă

P: What 1)
(you/do) when you
(see) the accident, madam?
H: 13)
(walk) down the street.
P: What exactly 4)
H: Well, the driver of the car 5)
(drive) down the road when suddenly the old man
just 6)
(step) in front of him! It
(be) terrible!
P: 8)
(the driver/speed)?
No, not really, but the old man 9)
(not/look) both ways before
he 10)
(try) to cross the road.
P 11)
(anyone else/see)
the accident?
H: Yes, the lady in the post office.
Р. Thank you very much. Trebuie puse La Past Simple sau Past Continue, in functie de ce se afla in Paranteza​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de vicky1234590p1kw0l

What were you doing when you saw the accident, madam?

I was walking down the street.

What exactly did you saw? Well the driver of the car was driving down the road when suddenly the old man stepped in front of him! It was terrible!

The driver was speeding? No, not really, but the old man didn't look both ways before he tried to cross the road.

Did anyone else saw the accident?

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