Engleza, întrebare adresată de danyalex6, 9 ani în urmă

O traducere dar fara google translate : I usually wake up between 6 a.m. and 7 a.m. and have a really good scratch.I don't wear any clothes unless
someone is going to take my photograph.Dan, my human friend, takes me to breakfast at 8 o'clock.It's usually muesli with milk and sugar.
In the morning I hang out in my room.I've got a TV radio,air-conditioning and a fridge.Lunch is between 12 and 2 p.m.I try to eat healthy food.Today I'm going to have some fruit and a raw onion.
In the afternoon I often go out with Dan.I ride on the back of his Honda sooter.People stop and stare at us.I don't know why.I make faces and wave to other drivers.
I have afternoon tea at about 4 o'clock.I usually have a banana but this afternoon,for a special treat,Dan is going to take me down the freeway to a hamburger restaurant.After tea I dosome abstract painting.h
Dinner is between 6p.m. and 8 p.m. . I have rice or spaghetti with tomato sauce or macaroni chesse.Most chimpanzees are vegetarian but I eat anything.
After dinner I relax.I listen to the radio or watch old videos of myself in Tarzan films with Johnny Weissmuller.This evening.I'm going to wach a wildlife film.It's a good life

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Geta1955
De obicei ma trezesc intre 6 si 7 dimineata si ma scarpin pe cinste. Nu port haine in afara de cazul cand cineva ma va fotografia. Dan, prietenul meu om, ma ia la micul dejun la 8. De obicei mananc cereale cu lapte si zahar.
Dimineata stau in camera mea. Am televizor, radio, aer conditionat si un frigider. Pranzul e intre 12 si 2 dupa amiaza. Incerc sa mananc mancare sanatoasa. Astazi voi manca niste fructe si o ceapa cruda.
Dupa amiaza ies deseori cu Dan. Calatoresc pe locul din spate al scuterului Honda. Oamenii se opresc si se holbeaza la noi. Nu stiu de ce. Eu ma stramb si le fac semne celorlalti soferi.
Iau ceaiul de dupa amiaza pe la 4. De obicei mananc si o banana, dar in dupa amiaza aceasta, ca sa-mi faca cinste, Dan are de gand sa ma ia pe autostrada la un restaurant cu hamburgheri. Dupa ceai fac pictura abstracta.
Cina e intre 6 si 8 seara. Mananc orez sau spaghetti cu sos de rosii sau macaroane cu branza. Majoritatea cimpanzeilor sunt vegetarieni dar eu mananc orice. Dupa cina ma relaxez. Ascult radioul sau ma uit la pelicule vechi cu mine, in filmele "Tarzan" cu Johnny Weissmuller. In seara aceasta am de gand sa ma uit la un film cu viata in salbaticie. E o viata placuta.

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