Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 8 ani în urmă

Past Simple or Past Continuous
va rog !!


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de claucla5892
In 1972, Tim Carlisle *saw* Elvis in concert, while he *was travelling* in the USA.

It *was snowing* heavily on that cold, dark night when George Bailey *left* his office and *began* his long journey home.

She was *tidying* her room when suddenly the lights *went out*.

Jasper *was sleeping* and his father *was watching* TV when the earthquake *striked*.

As Mary *was feeding* the ducks, a small boy *rushed* up to her and *grabbed* her arm.

He *was* unable to sleep because the wind *was whistling* through the streets in the forest outside.

I *came across* Mary as I *was walking* through the park with my dog.

Sharon *couldn't see* the car coming towards her because she *was looking* in the other direction.

The old lady was *getting* onto the bus when she *fell* and *broke* her leg.

Sper ca te-am ajutat!
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