Engleza, întrebare adresată de gavrilutvalentina, 8 ani în urmă

Past Simple ,Past continuous.Dau coroana!! Repede!!​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Lyselena22
1 was doing
2 were having
3 was hurrying
4 was carrying
5 were testing

1 was sitting; called
2 was watching; heard
3 did; do
4 get; waited
5 were; listening
6 was working; met
7 was; ringed
8 was cooking; was doing
9 walked; was working
10 were playing; were taking

1 Yesterday I fell and I broked my arm.
2 Yesterday at 9 pm o’clock a boy was running in the park while his sister was crying.
3 Andrew did not make his homework last week and he got a bad note.
4 How many pages did you read last week?
5 They hadn’t beeing singing at school, they were dancing rumba when i met them.

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