Engleza, întrebare adresată de ciubarvladisla1, 9 ani în urmă

pemine ma cheama vlad eu lucuesc in moldova cu parintii mama lucreaza contabil tata lucreaza la marestroiteli fratele meu e in clasa a 11 iar eu in a 6 deseara eu cu fratele meu mai mare ne ducem la teren de tradus in engleza va rog

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Adriana04
My name is Vlad..I live in Moldova with my parents. My mother works as accountant and my father works at marestroiteli. My brother is in the 11th grade and I am in the 6th grade. I and my big brother go to the place tonight
Răspuns de Mih2007
My name is Vlad. I live Moldavia with my parents. My mother works as account. My father works at ...( Nu inteleg). My brother is in the 11th grade and I am in the 6th. Tonight me and my brother are going to the train station.

Mih2007: I live in Moldavia, scuze
Mih2007: Accountant = comtabil 
Mih2007: Scuze , am scris de pe tel si nu am verificat, dar am pus jos ceea ce trebuia corectat!
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