Engleza, întrebare adresată de smeche, 9 ani în urmă

pentru engleza clasa a 5a vreau propoz cu: your,his,her,its,their,your

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de sim24kool
Your dad is smart.
His father is evil.
Her mother scares me.
It's your birthday today.
Their grandma is kind.
Your house is beautiful.
Răspuns de sebi13bv
Your dog is so cute when it's running.=Cainele tau este adorabil cand fuge.

His friend broke his leg when he was trying to climb in the tree.=Prietenul lui si-a rupt piciorul cand incerca sa se urce in copac.

The rabbit was bought by her.=Iepurele a fost cumparat de ea

Their classroom is getting more beautiful when they clean it.=Clasa lor devine mai frumoasa cand ei o curata.

The car it's just for you Michael and Anna.=Masina este doar pentru voi Michael si Anna

The wolf has a strange dye on its fur.=Lupul are o culoare ciudata pe blana sa.

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