Engleza, întrebare adresată de estyestera1, 8 ani în urmă

Pls!! ajutati-ma!!
Ex. 5 punctele a,b,c


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de senseialex
give something a second thought = think twice
in danger or difficulty = distress
made better = improve
amazed = astonish
total control = monopoly
a person with a lot of money = multi-milionaire

Bologna was the important because it was were Marconi was born and where he sent the world's first signal.
His mother Annie was important because she belived he had a good idea and sent him to his cousin
His mother's cousin was important because she supported her son who became an important engineer
Poldhu in Cromwell was important because they transmitted signals using an aerial flown in the air by a kite across the Atlantic Ocean
St John's, Newfoundland was important because the signals were received 3520 kilometers away
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