Engleza, întrebare adresată de andreicocalaru065, 8 ani în urmă

Pls, dau coroanta. ,


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de georgebombardierul


Can 80000 people hold the Olympic Stadium?

In a football team there are eleven players.

Many athletes took part in the Olympics.

Our coach organised all the training.

The race ran in eight competitors.

There was a contest to see who was the strongest man.

The team which played badly led to a defeat.

Our team are of the bottom league team.

The british football season ends in May and begins in August

I was the school football team captain.

His brother had great football skills.

Tennis tournament Wimbledon is held every June.

She won the gold medal at Olympics.

A professional can earn lot of money.

The referee had controlling the teams problems.

They are cheering a 4-0 victory in front of over 40000 spectators.

Phoenix managed a 135-114 victory over Denver.

Amateurs competition was the only one open.

andreicocalaru065: Multumesc frumos!
georgebombardierul: nu ai pentru ce, bafta la școală!
andreicocalaru065: la fel,ai facut vreo pregatire sau ceva de stii atat de mult la engleza?
georgebombardierul: nu, doar ca eu sunt ceva mai mare și am făcut engleza timp de mulți ani :)) doar fii atent la ore și o sa vezi ca o sa devii și tu la fel, poate chiar mai bun de atat
andreicocalaru065: ... stiu,is a 7-a si m am axat mai mult pe romana,mate,bio etc si engleza am cam neglijat-o. =]
georgebombardierul: înțeleg, știu cum e, aveți program aglomerat, mai ales cu virusul asta. bafta la școală, sănătate!
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