Engleza, întrebare adresată de david160607, 8 ani în urmă

pls pls 50 puncte+coroana​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de lauravere


1. We're goed to the theatre last week

2. Yesterday I had dinner with a friend

3. I have never tasted champagne.

4 When I  was a child, I loved ice skating.

5. l haven't had any coffee today — I feel very sleepy

6. I didn't drink any coffee yesterday

7. I have read all his books — I think he's a wonderful writer.

8. What are you doing  at the weekend?

9.I always loved tea — I drink it every day

10. What subject does she study at university?

11. John lost his bus pass — can he borrow some money?

12. How long have you known Susie for?

13. He has been married for ten years but he got divorced.

14 Did you ever go to Central Park in New York?

15. How many books did she write so far?

16. He washed the dishes, living room and cooked dinner last night


Sper să te ajute! Baftă!

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