Pls tot ce e in poza,dau coroanaa

Răspunsuri la întrebare
1. In March, at Mother's Day, people give flowers to their mother or grandmother.
2. In December, at Christmas, people decorate trees and welcome Santa in their home to leave gifts under the tree.
3. In February, at Valentine's Day, people write cards and buy flowers to give to the person they love.
4. In September, at Back to School Day, children meet friends and teachers and get new books.
5. In November, at Thanksgiving, people cook turkey, bake pumpkin pie and say what they are thankful for.
2. When do children get little presents from the Easter Bunny?
In the morning, on Easter Day.
3. How do the American people celebrate Independence Day?
They have street parades and watch fireworks displays.
4. When do people celebrate the women in their lives?
On the eight of March.
5. Do men buy flowers and heart-shaped chocolates for their girlfriends on St. Valentine's?
Yes, they do.