Engleza, întrebare adresată de zbsbnsjsjsnnhjshwjwb, 8 ani în urmă

Plss,cine ma poate ajuta ?!!!​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de oopstiegine16

1.My brother will be 45 in October

2.(raspunsul) I will answer

3.James Jones will propably become the next President

4.(raspunsul)will not apply

5.We be going to move to a bigger house

6.My parents will be very proud

7.(raspunsul)be going to pass the exam

8.I will be going to take the kids to the mountains this winter

9.I will be going to do the shopping

10.I will give you some juice

11.(nu stiu aici imi pare rau poti sa lasi liber)

12.That will be the postman

13.Boys will be going to be boys!

14.The mice will play

15.I will be faint

16.I will go to bed now

17.She will be going to meet them at 6.00pm

18.That will be the book you looking for

19.There will be a gale

20.We will going to buy her a scooter

Sper ca te-am ajutat

zbsbnsjsjsnnhjshwjwb: multumesc mult!!
oopstiegine16: cu mult drag
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