Engleza, întrebare adresată de Hellobaby, 9 ani în urmă



Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Robloxian223
Across the magic of this world is a dark realm where characters are appearing negative, but another is the land of eternal youth where fairies live. Everyone has a talent deosebit.Unele many of them are very good at washing windows, others are very savvy when it comes to animals.
Zana Aura also has a deosebit.Misiunea talrnt them is to them gaca children to clap, as necessary, Aura always makes debt, but if a child loses this belief finds a fairy end
Aura is a new fairy in the land of eternal youth and knows very well how to spend time liber.Ii love to fly, to make leaps and somersaults, but sometimes she seems quite caraghioz.Nimeni has no talent as Aura acelasio , her talent is very special and particular.

Sper ca te-am ajutat.

Robloxian223: nu prea stiu engleza
Robloxian223: sunt grec si lam tradus cum am putut
Hellobaby: E copiata:)
Robloxian223: de pe contul verisoarei mele
Robloxian223: nu ma raporta pls
Robloxian223: verisoara mea e in clasa 9
Robloxian223: pls nu ma raporta
Robloxian223: :(
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