Engleza, întrebare adresată de anatina7497, 8 ani în urmă

plz ajutor sunt boabă de veneție boabă de America ăsi pute spune nu știu să fac tema la Engleză dau coroană​ vă rog frumos!)= )= )= )=
plz plz nu contează dacă nu e bine să fie făcut
Pe profa asta o interesează


anatina7497: plz
anatina7497: plz kitkat

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de KitKatGuurl

Ex. 3 a)


2)wakes up


4) gets





9) has


11) dreams




15) arrives

16) has



Ex. 3 b)

Pentru partea unde scrie TOM completer eu și la celălalt unde scrie YOUR BEST FRIEND trebuie sa Îți descrii cel mai bun prieten după model .


age: thirteen (vârsta:13)

City: Bristol (oraș : )

Home: small flat (casă:bloc mic)

Morning routine: he gets up at 7 o'clock and brushes his teeth.HE gets dressed and has breakfast at 7:30 .

Afternoon routine: he gets home at 1 a.m and has lunch. Then he plays football and he does his homework.

Evening routine: HE goes to the park with his friends and gets home at 7 p.m.HE has dinner with his family then he reads a book and goes to sleep.

*Apoi faci după exemplu partea cu Your Best Friend și îl descrii *

Ex.4 (descrii rutina prietenului tău. I poți schimba pe cea pe care am scris-o eu )

My best friend never gets up before 7:10 a.m. Then he gets ready for school. After school he has lunch with his family and does his homework. He often needs help with it. Sometimes we meet in the park and play. He always plays on the computer in the afternoon and then he has dinner . He usually goes to bed at 9 o'clock .

AT: 2 o'clock; noon,

ON: September ,16th April, Wednesday ,weekdays

IN: the evening, the weekend, the morning

(Mai e un cuvant acolo dar nu se vede)

anatina7497: thx
anatina7497: Dau peste câteva minute coroană că nu îmi apare ok
KitKatGuurl: Cu plăcere . E ok oricând.
anatina7497: mrs nu știu de loc Engleză de aceia
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