Engleza, întrebare adresată de martinasmaria, 10 ani în urmă

poate cineva sa descrie o pisica in engleza?9sau un caine)orice animal.....

herston: pai ai zis ca iti dai locul
herston: :0
Ayanna2: ll dau uite gt
herston: da il dai ca scri
Ayanna2: Nu scriu
Ayanna2: Dai refresh
herston: ba da scri
herston: eu vad
herston: acuma vad ca nu scri
Ayanna2: Nu scriu

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Greeny
Animal that I choose to describe is my cat. Cats, in general, are the loveliest creatures on the earth, but my cat, is a special one.I can feel that she loves me like I do, or even more.She is black, tall, long-haired and with sparkling blue eyes and wet pretty nose. At her neck is a red collar with stunning diamonds on it.Her name introduce her beauty so she's called Belle.I clearly see she have an imperial air, and a tiny way of walking.She loves to play, but adores to sit and just listen what is happend around her. In conclusion, i can ad that is pretty clever and never gives up for what she want

Geta1955: A nu stiu cata oara spun aceasta: limba engleza NU este limba romana exprimata cu cuvinte englezesti. Limba engleza are niste reguli clare: din cauza faptului ca verbul nu are desinente (ca in romana) e obligatoriu ca fiecare verb sa aiba subiectul lui (exceptie: verbele la imperativ). Exemplu: "at her neck is a red collar" sau "[I can ad that] is pretty clever" - nu au subiect.
Geta1955: Verbele de la pers III sg prezent primesc "s" la final (gresit: her name introduce, she have, she want; corect: introduces, has, wants)
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