Limba română, întrebare adresată de vioricanegrii1, 8 ani în urmă

poate cineva să-mi scrie un mini rezumatul la textul Robinson Crusoe in engleza va rog și dau coroana​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de grigorescuioanaanton


This novel is about the experience and teachings of the character Robinson Crusoe.

Neglecting the advice of his parents, the main character of the story followed his desire to go to sea even though he could have had a quiet life at home, without missing anything.

Following the fate of those who disobeyed his parents' good advice, the young man would later experience the torments of his wrong choice.

On his voyage he sailed on a desert island, without a single man.

He was left alone because his entire crew died at sea.

Robinson Crusoe managed to live on that island for some twenty years.

He confessed in a diary to his daily worries about survival and the discoveries he would make.

The novel The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe teaches you to see opportunities where everyone else sees trouble and hopeless situations.

In solitude, man builds a strong character and learns to gain confidence in his own strength.


sper să te ajute.

vioricanegrii1: da multumesc
grigorescuioanaanton: cu drag
vioricanegrii1: thank you very mach are you light English as I am English
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