Engleza, întrebare adresată de adelin6104, 8 ani în urmă

Poate face cineva o compunere in engleza cu inceputul ,,i was walking along the street when suddenly i heard,,?DAU COROANA !!!!

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de badeaoctavian0

'I was walking along the street when suddenly I heard' a little dog crying on the side of the road. I was treating animals very good, never hit one in my life, so I ran to help it. It turned out to be a mom with 4 puppies. I picked her and her puppies up using some old clothing and some cardboard and rushed at the veterinary hospital with them. The doctor treat them good and in 4 months they where walking on their own and she was a happy mother of four little cute puppies.

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