Engleza, întrebare adresată de mihriban, 9 ani în urmă

Poate sa-mi traduca in engleza urmatorul text urgent??Se spune ca Ariel a omorat-o pe Sarah Jones,deoarece acum cateva zile aceasta a fotografiat depozitu-l de armament al acestuia,apoi a trimis pozele politistilor.Un politist corupt l-a instiintat pe Ariel,iar acesta urmarit-o apoi a omorat-o.Ariel nu a fost gasit,iar politistii vor cintinua cercetarile.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de CoduPenaL
Ariel says that he killed Sarah Jones ones as she photographed a few days ago depozitu him his arms , then sent photos politistilor.Un to warn Ariel corrupt cop , and he followed her and then killed her o.Ariel was not found , and the police will cintinua research
Răspuns de Bianca161200
They say Ariel killed Sarah Jones because a couple days ago she took a photo of his (armament) deposit and sent it to the cops . A corrupted cop

Bianca161200: Ups , am trimis din greseala , stai sa termin
Bianca161200: told Ariel , so he followed her and killed her . Ariel wasn't found and the cops are still searching .
mihriban: İti multumesc foarte mult!!
Bianca161200: Cu placere :)
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