Engleza, întrebare adresată de saraalessiarodinciuc, 8 ani în urmă

Portfolio: Write your essay for your teacher. You can
use the essay in Ex. 2a as a model.

saraalessiarodinciuc: nu mă lasă să modific postarea
IAmAlive: inteleg. atunci nu te pot ajuta. scuze
saraalessiarodinciuc: :(
IAmAlive: macar poti sami spui despre ce sa fie eseul? iti voi face unul
saraalessiarodinciuc: despre scoala online sau teme
saraalessiarodinciuc: NO MOBILE PHONES AT SCHOOL

1)Nowadays more and more students bring their mobile phones to school. While I believe that students should carry mobile phones in case of an emergency, I am strongly opposed to these phones being used at school, particularly in the classroom.
2)Firstly, many students travel to and from school without their parents. Therefore, it is important for them to have a mobile phone in case they need help or have an accident on the way to school or home.
saraalessiarodinciuc: 3)Furthermore, parents who work may need to contact their children. For example, if a parent has to work late, the student has to be told if arrangements have been made for a relative or neighbour to look after them.
4)On the other hand, nothing is more disruptive during a lesson than the sound of a mobile phone ringing or playing an annoying tune. Moreover, students who send and receive text messages in class are not paying attention to the lesson.
saraalessiarodinciuc: 5) In conclusion, I feel that students should be allowed to take mobile phones to school for use in an emergency. However, all phones should certainly be turned off during lessons.
saraalessiarodinciuc: Este ok așa?
IAmAlive: da, incep acum

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de IAmAlive

Primul eseu este despre Telefoanele Mobile la Scoala si al doi-lea este despre Scoala Online. Sper ca ajuta, daca trebuia mai mult poti sa ma informezi! :D

Mobile Phones at School

My opinios about bringing mobile phones at school is: Students should need to have their mobile phones with them in case of emercy. Many students could be kidnapped while coming back from school. They could call the police if it happens so. At the same time they shouldn't walk trough streets that aren't in other poples sight.

Mobile Phones shouldn't be used at lessons, because the students will not be concentrated in class, they won't pay atention to the teacher.

Online School

While the coronavirus is infecting places all over the world. The students don't need to lose important lessons. Online school help students to learn from home. Unfortunetly some students don't have such expensive gadgets, so they will need to somehow learn without them or they will need to repeat the year.

saraalessiarodinciuc: Mulțumesc mult
IAmAlive: cu placere
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