Engleza, întrebare adresată de alexandra9591, 9 ani în urmă

potrivește cuvintele cu textul dat: sovering,pieton, tower, wax,pint, library, dome, guard, garirion, function,statue,queve:
ex: A pigeon is verey common bird
2) Tourists who choose to visit Madame Tussaud's will find. ....models of many personalities
3)There a people who go to the pub to chat with theor friends over a....of beer
4)What a linguri. ......! We'll bere ale to get in and se the film
5)There. ...of London was built anterior 1066 when William the Conqueror became King of Eng land
6)If you are interested in a particular book the British Museum has one of the largest ......in a the words 200 years
7) Buckingham Palace has bueno the residence of the ....for over 200 years
8)St.Paul's Chatedral has the largest. ..În the world
9)There beefeters are famous ....at the With Toner
10) Piccadilly Circus ușor a famous meeting place for the young people în London and its is also on of the mișto famous.... in London URGENTTTTTTT. !

alexandra9591: hei
alexandra9591: As mai avea nevoie de ajutorul tau
alexandra9591: Dacă știi bineînțeles
victosof30: Da
victosof30: La ce?
alexandra9591: Talk about possessions (read below) Write ten about thongs or people you/someone else possess(es).Do not forgwt to use the Genitive Case the verb Have got or the possessive adjectives and pronuns
alexandra9591: nu stiu ce trebuie sa fac...m
victosof30: Trebuie sa scrii despre ceva ce tu posezi , și să folosești cazul genitiv , adjective și pronume
alexandra9591: ă ok
alexandra9591: adică sa fac câteva propoziții cu possessive /genitve

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