Engleza, întrebare adresată de Silvișor2005, 10 ani în urmă

Povestiți asta în engleză:
A fost odata ca niciodata, o vreme in care Soarele intruchipat intr-un barbat chipes obisnuia sa coboare pe pamant pentru a dansa hora in sate. Stiind care este noua pasiune a Soarelui, un dragon l-a urmarit si intr-una dintre aceste incursiuni pe pamant, l-a rapit si l-a aruncat intr-un beci, in castelul sau.

Pasarile au incetat sa cante iar copiii nu mai puteau sa rada, dar nimeni nu indraznea sa-l infrunte pe dragon.

Intr-una dintre zile, un tanar curajos a decis sa coboare in beci si sa salveze Soarele. Majoritatea oamenilor l-au insotit, dandu-i tanarului din puterea lor, pentru a reusi sa invinga puternicul dragon.

Calatoria sa a durat trei anotimpuri: vara, toamna si iarna. La sfarsitul ultimului, tanarul a reusit sa gaseasca castelul dragonului, unde era intemnitat Soarele. Si a inceput lupta, care a durat zile pana cand dragonul a fost infrant.

Fara puteri si ranit, tanarul a eliberat Soarele, reusind sa faca fericiti pe toti cei care-si pusesera ultimele sperante in el. Natura a reinviat, oamenii au inceput sa zambeasca din nou, doar flacaul nu a mai apucat sa vada primavara venind. Sangele cald din ranile sale cadea pe zapada.

In timp ce zapada se topea, flori albe, numite ghiocei, mesageri ai primaverii, rasareau din pamantul destelenit. Cand ultimul strop de sange al tanarului s-a scurs pe zapada imaculata, a murit fericit ca viata sa a servit unui scop atat de nobil.

De atunci oamenii obisnuiesc sa impleteasca doi ciucuri: unul alb si altul rosu. La inceputul lunii martie, barbatii ofera aceasta amuleta, numita martisor, fetelor pe care le iubesc.

Culoarea rosie reprezinta dragostea pentru tot ceea ce e frumos si ramane simbolul sangelui bravului tanar. Albul simbolizeaza puritatea, sanatatea si ghiocelul, prima floare care apare primavara.

Semnificati literara a martisorului este: micul martie. Un martie mai mic pe care sa-l purtam la piepturile noastre pentru ca iarna sa fie uitata si noul an sa inceapa.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de ionchiper72
Once upon a time, a time when the sun embodied in a handsome man used to come down to earth to dance the hora in villages. Knowing that the sun is new passion, a dragon to follow and in one of their raids on earth, kidnapped and thrown into a cellar in his castle. The birds stopped singing and the children could not laugh, but no one dared to confront the dragon. In one day, a brave young man decided to go down in the cellar and save the sun. Most people accompanied him, giving young in their power to defeat the mighty dragon succeed. The journey lasted three seasons: summer, autumn and winter. At the end of the last, the young man managed to find the dragon castle, where he was imprisoned sun. And fought, which lasted days until the dragon was defeated. Powerless and injured, he released Sun, managing to make happy all those who had put the last hopes in him. Nature revived, people began to smile again, lad just did not get to see spring coming. Hot blood of his wounds snow fall. While the snow was melting, white flowers called snowdrops, messengers of spring, east of fallow land. When the last drop of blood of the young elapsed immaculate snow, died happy life served a purpose so noble. Since then people tend to weave two tassels: one white and one red. In early March, men offer this amulet called trinket girls they love. The color red represents love for everything that is beautiful and remains the symbol of brave young blood. White symbolizes purity, health and snowdrop, the first flower that appears in spring. Martisorului literary signifier is little march. A smaller March that wear it on our chests for winter to be forgotten and the new year begins.
Răspuns de helpline
It was, once upon a time in which the Sun embodied in a hunky man used to come down to Earth to dance the hora in villages. Knowing which is the new passion of the Sun, a dragon and watched him in one of these incursions on Earth, has kidnapped him and threw him in a cellar, in the Castle. The birds have stopped singing and the children could no longer laugh, but no one indraznea to face off on the dragon. In one of the days, a brave young man decided to descend into the cellar and to save the Sun. Most of the people have accompanied him, giving him the young in their power, to be able to defeat the mighty dragon. His journey lasted three seasons: summer, autumn and winter. At the end of the last, the young man managed to find the Dragon's Castle, where it was intemnitat the Sun. And started the fight, which lasted for days until the Dragon was defeated. Without power and hurt, young has released Sun, managing to make happy all those who-and they laid the last hopes in him revived nature, people have begun to smile again, flacaul has not only got to see spring coming. Warm blood from his wounds on the snow fall. While the snow was melting, white flowers called snowdrops, messengers of spring, rasareau of the Earth destelenit. When the last drop of blood of the young has elapsed on the Immaculate snow, he died happy that life has served a purpose so noble. Then people tend to impleteasca two tassels: one white and one red. At the beginning of March, the men offer this amulet, called martisor, girls that love them. Red represents the love of everything that is beautiful and brave young blood symbol. White symbolizes purity, health and Snowdrop, the first spring flower that appears. Literary Semnificati of the Martisor is: little March. A smaller March that we wear it at our chests for the winter to be forgotten and the new year to begin.

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