Povestiți in 15 rânduri cum ai ajuns in Safari Park și ai rămas împotmolit.
In timp ce erai împotmolit cu o mașina de teren ai vazut niște lei și veneau către voi.
Ai avut noroc și leii ai vazut o cireada de tauri și ați scăpat.( asta este tema compunerii)
VA ROG REPEDE. Dau coroana!
Răspunsuri la întrebare
Răspuns de
Eram în vacanța de vară. nu aveam nicio idee unde sa merg, așa ca,am avut o idee de a merge cu Irina și Darius,prietenii mei, într-o excursie,in Safari Park. Nu a fost una scurta,a durat mai mult de o zi, deoarece drumul a fost lung și am ajuns târziu. Când am ajuns în Park ne-am împotmolit cu mașina de teren într-o gaură,iar,fix atunci,zărisem niste lei care veneau către noi. se uitau la noi de parcă am fi stafii. erau și speriați,dar voiau și să ne mănânce. eram foarte speriați,dar nu aveam unde sa fugim,așa că am așteptat puțin,până când leii zăriseră o cireada de tauri. ei au mers spre tauri,iar noi am avut mare noroc să scăpăm de lei. a fost o aventura nemaipomenită!
sper că te-am ajutat! Succes in continuare!
I was on the summer vacation. I had no idea where to go, so I had an idea to go with Irina and Darius, my friends, on a trip to Safari Park. It was not a short one, it took more than a day because the road was long and it was late. When we got to Park, we got stuck in the hole in a hole, and then we fixed some lions coming to us. they looked at us as if we were gossips. they were scared, but they wanted to eat us. we were very scared, but we did not have anywhere to run, so I waited for a while, until the lions had seen a herd of bulls. they went to bulls, and we were lucky to get rid of the lions. it was an amazing adventure!
sper că te-am ajutat! Succes in continuare!
I was on the summer vacation. I had no idea where to go, so I had an idea to go with Irina and Darius, my friends, on a trip to Safari Park. It was not a short one, it took more than a day because the road was long and it was late. When we got to Park, we got stuck in the hole in a hole, and then we fixed some lions coming to us. they looked at us as if we were gossips. they were scared, but they wanted to eat us. we were very scared, but we did not have anywhere to run, so I waited for a while, until the lions had seen a herd of bulls. they went to bulls, and we were lucky to get rid of the lions. it was an amazing adventure!
Mersi, dar trebuia in engleză!
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