Engleza, întrebare adresată de melissa1310, 7 ani în urmă

Present and past tenses
23 As I (cross) the road I (step) on a banana skin and (ially heavily.
24 I still (lie) on the road when I (see) a lorry approaching.
25 Luckily the driver (see) me and (stop) the lorry in time.
26 How you (damage) your car so badly? -
I (run) into a lamp-post yesterday. -
I suppose you (drive) too quickly or were not looking where you (go).
As he (get) into the bus it (start) suddenly and he (fall) backwards on
to the road.
28 I (call) Paul at 7.00 but it wasn't necessary because he already (get)
29 When he (mend) the fuse he (get) a very bad shock
30 When I (hear) his knock I (go) to the door and (open) it, but I (not
recognize) him at first because I (not wear) my glasses,
31 When I came in they (sit) round the fire. Mr Pitt (do) a crossword
puzzle, Mrs Pitt (knit), the others (read). Mrs Pitt (smile) at me and
(say), 'Come and sit down.'
32 While the guests (dance) thieves (break) into the house and (steal) a
lot of fur coats.
33 The next day, as they (know) that the police (look) for them, they
(hide) the coats in a wood and (go) off in different directions.
34 She was very extravagant. She always (buy) herself new clothes.
35 Her mother often (tell) her that she (spend) too much money but she
never (listen).
36 Whenever the drummer (begin) practising, the people in the next flat
(bang) on the wall.
37 The simple past and the past continuous
PEG 175-81
Put the verbs in brackets into the simple past or past continuous
1 Mr Smith never (wake) up in time in the mornings and always (get)
into trouble for being late; so one day he (go) to town and (buy) an
alarm clock.
2 To get home he (have to) go through a field where a bad-tempered
bull usually (graze).
3 This bull normally (not chase) people unless something (make) him
angry. Unfortunately, as Mr Smith (cross) the field, his alarm clock
(go) off.
4 This (annoy) the bull, who immediately (begin) to chase Mr Smith.
5 Mr Smith (carry) an open umbrella as it (rain) slightly. He (throw)
the umbrella to the ground and (run) away as fast as he could.
6 The bull (stop) and (begin) to attack the umbrella. While he (do) this
Mr Smith escaped.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de gheorgheluca28

1 As I crossed the road, I stepped on a banana skin and fell heavily.

2 I still lay on the road when I saw a lorry approaching.

3 Luckily, the driver saw me and stopped the lorry in time.

4 How did you damage your car so badly? - I ran into a lamp-post yesterday.

5 I suppose you were driving too quickly or were not looking where you were going.

6 As he got into the bus, it started suddenly and he fell backwards onto the road.

7 I called Paul at 7.00 but it wasn't necessary because he had already gotten up.

8 When he repaired the fuse, he got a very bad shock.

9 When I heard his knock, I went to the door and opened it, but I didn't recognize him at first because I wasn't wearing my glasses.

10 When I came in, they were sitting round the fire. Mr. Pitt was doing a crossword puzzle, Mrs. Pitt was knitting, and the others were reading. Mrs. Pitt smiled at me and said, "Come and sit down."

11 While the guests were dancing, thieves broke into the house and stole a lot of fur coats.

12 The next day, as they knew that the police were looking for them, they hid the coats in a wood and went off in different directions.

13 She was very extravagant. She always bought herself new clothes.

14 Her mother often told her that she was spending too much money but she never listened.

15 Whenever the drummer began practicing, the people in the next flat would bang on the wall.

16 The simple past and the past continuous:

1 Mr. Smith never woke up in time in the mornings and always got into trouble for being late; so one day he went to town and bought an alarm clock.

2 To get home he had to go through a field where a bad-tempered bull usually grazed.

3 This bull normally didn't chase people unless something made him angry. Unfortunately, as Mr. Smith crossed the field, his alarm clock went off.

4 This annoyed the bull, who immediately began to chase Mr. Smith.

5 Mr. Smith was carrying an open umbrella as it was raining slightly. He threw the umbrella to the ground and ran away as fast as he could.

6 The bull stopped and began to attack the umbrella. While he did this, Mr. Smith escaped.

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