Engleza, întrebare adresată de anitoinicoleta, 8 ani în urmă

Present continuous. A Complete the sentences with the Present Continuous form of the verb in brackets 1. My sister .... ... (watch) TV right now. 2. Dad ..... (not wash) his car today. 3. The boys ...... (not play) tennis today 4. They (drive) to work right now. 5. ........ (write) in my notebook at the moment. 6. Jason (study) music this year. 7. The children (not swim) at the moment. 8. The women (sit) in the park now.​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de crasma2002


1.is watching

2.isn't washing

3.aren't playing

4.are driving

5.i am writing

6.is studying

7.aren't swimming

8.is sitting

Răspuns de clipeibianca


1. My sister is watching TV right now.

2. Dad is not washing his car today.

3. The boys are not playing tennis today.

4. They are driving to work right now.

5. I am writing in my notebook at the moment.

6. Jason is studying music this year.

7. The children is not swimming at the moment.

8. The women is sitting in the park now.


The present continuous of any verb is composed of two parts - the present tense of the verb to be + the present participle of the main verb.

Affirmative : Subject + to be + base + ing

Negative: Subject + to be + not + base + ing

Interrogative : To be + subject + base + ing.

Sper să-ți fie de folos.:) Dacă te-a ajutat răspunsul meu nu uita să o marchezi cu o coroniță. Rămân recunoscătoare.:)

crasma2002: la pct 7 e pluralul la copil , children ( copii) deci e cu "are"
clipeibianca: Da, imi cer scuze asa este. The Children (=They)
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