Engleza, întrebare adresată de dulastephania085, 8 ani în urmă

Present continuous
(listen) to 11
(listen) to
music every day.
music now.
2 You
(watch) TV 2 You !
(watch) TV
at night.
right now.
3 He never
3 He
(use) the
(use) the cellphone in class.
cellphone in class in this moment.
4 She sometimes
4 She
(play) volleyball
volleyball at the moment.
5 It usually
(rain) in 5 lt
(rain) now.
6 We always
6 We
(wear) the school uniform.
the school uniform right now.
7 You
(visit) the 7 You
(visit) the
museum once a month.
museum at the moment.
8 They
(read) a 8 They
(read) a
new book every week.
new book in this moment.
9 Emma always
9 Emma
(do) the homework at 3 o'clock.
the homework now.
10 Edward usually
10 Edward
(have) lunch at (have) lunch at school right now.
11 My friend sometimes
11 My friend
(ride) a bike in (ride) a bike in the park at the moment.
the park.
12 My friends often
12 My friends
(have dinner) at (have dinner) at McDonalds in this
13 John and Brenda hardly ever
13 John and Brenda
(do) gym.
(do) gym now.
14 My mum never
14 My mum
(cook) pizza. (cook) pizza right now.
15 My dad
15 My dad
(wash) his car every Sunday.
(wash) his car at the moment.


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Matei


  1. listen
  2. watch
  3. uses
  4. plays
  5. rains
  6. wear
  7. visit
  8. read
  9. does
  10. has
  11. rides
  12. have dinner
  13. do
  14. cooks
  15. washes


  1. am listening
  2. are watching
  3. is using
  4. is playing
  5. is raining
  6. are wearing
  7. are visiting
  8. are reading
  9. is doing
  10. is having
  11. is riding
  12. are having
  13. are doing
  14. is cooking
  15. is washing
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