propoziti in engleze si tradus in romana cu urmatoarele cuvinte ;;camera,baie,gradina,garaj,cabana,tara,oras,bloc,camera de zi,bucatarie
Răspunsuri la întrebare
Răspuns de
1.When I entered the room, I saw three men whom I didn't know. = Cand am intrat in camera, am vazut trei oameni pe care nu-i cunosteam.(room-camera)
2.I cleaned the bathroom before mom got home. = Am facut curatenie in baie inainte sa ajunga mama acasa. (bathroom-baie)
3. By the time i got home, I saw a little cat in my garden. = Cand am ajuns acasa, am vazut o pisicuta in gradina mea.
4. She thought her car was stolen, when actually it was in my garage. = Ea a crezut ca masina ei a fost furata, cand de fapt ea era in garajul meu.(garage=garaj)
5. Her birthday party was held in her father's chalet. = Petrecerea ei
aniversara a fost tinuta in cabana tatalui ei. (chalet=cabana).
6. My country is the safest country from all of them. = Tara mea este cea mai sigura dintre toate. (country-tara)
7. He left the town/city before I called him and he didn't returned yet. = El a parasit orasul inainte sa il sun eu si nu s-a intors inca. (town-oras mai micut, city- un oras mare)
8. The block where that girl lived crashed because of a strong earthquake. =Blocul in care a locuit acea fata s-a prabusit din cauza ununi cutremur puternic. (block-bloc)
9. Every morning I have breakfast in the living room with my family. = In fiecare dimineata iau micul dejun cu familia in camera de zi. ( living room- camera de zi)
10. When I woke up, I felt a sweet smell coming from the kitchen. Mom was baking pancakes with chocolate. = Cand m-am trezit, am simtit un miros dulce ce venea din bucatarie. Mama gatea clatite cu ciocolata. (kitchen - bucatarie)
GATA! :)
2.I cleaned the bathroom before mom got home. = Am facut curatenie in baie inainte sa ajunga mama acasa. (bathroom-baie)
3. By the time i got home, I saw a little cat in my garden. = Cand am ajuns acasa, am vazut o pisicuta in gradina mea.
4. She thought her car was stolen, when actually it was in my garage. = Ea a crezut ca masina ei a fost furata, cand de fapt ea era in garajul meu.(garage=garaj)
5. Her birthday party was held in her father's chalet. = Petrecerea ei
aniversara a fost tinuta in cabana tatalui ei. (chalet=cabana).
6. My country is the safest country from all of them. = Tara mea este cea mai sigura dintre toate. (country-tara)
7. He left the town/city before I called him and he didn't returned yet. = El a parasit orasul inainte sa il sun eu si nu s-a intors inca. (town-oras mai micut, city- un oras mare)
8. The block where that girl lived crashed because of a strong earthquake. =Blocul in care a locuit acea fata s-a prabusit din cauza ununi cutremur puternic. (block-bloc)
9. Every morning I have breakfast in the living room with my family. = In fiecare dimineata iau micul dejun cu familia in camera de zi. ( living room- camera de zi)
10. When I woke up, I felt a sweet smell coming from the kitchen. Mom was baking pancakes with chocolate. = Cand m-am trezit, am simtit un miros dulce ce venea din bucatarie. Mama gatea clatite cu ciocolata. (kitchen - bucatarie)
GATA! :)
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