Engleza, întrebare adresată de angangi230, 8 ani în urmă

Propoziții cu cuvintele: starvation,blizzard,supplies,weight,load,campsite,yell,to notice,herd,exhausted​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Walend

African children suffer of starvation.

This blizzard is making the weather worse.

We need more supplies for the Project.

The weight of this box is more than i can carry.

We will split everything so everyone has a load.

This campsite has a beautiful view.

The herd from the zoo was very colorful.

It's not hard to notice that he isn't feeling well.

He went to the gym, that's why he is exhausted.

Răspuns de Utilizator anonim

The boy is hungry.

Outside is a blizzard that takes you up.

That girl's an ant.

Persons with severe exposure to serious illnesses.

My mother had an easy task.

I go to the camping site.

To yell is normal.

He noticed the copy made by his colleague.

Grandpa left with the herd in the field.

He is eshausted from all this.

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