Engleza, întrebare adresată de qwerty, 9 ani în urmă

Propoziții in limba engleza pentru fiecare timp verbal si traducerea acestora.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Utilizator anonim
simple present- She read every day an interesting book. (Ea citeste zilnic o carte interesanta).
simple past-Yesterday night he wrote a poem.( Ieri noapte a scris un poem)
simple future- I will go to the mountains next week. Voi merge la munte in weekend-ul urmator.
present continous- I am doing my homework now. Imi fac tema acum.
past continous- we were readding a novel last night.Noi citam o nuvela ieri noapte.
future continous-I will be visit this museum soon. Voi  vizita acest muzeu in curand.
present perfect- I have just done my homework. Tocmai mi-am facut tema.
past perfect- By time she was young, she had write a lot of poems. Cand era tanara scria o multime de poezii.
future perfect- By the end of the week He will be read a lot of books. La sfarsitul saptamanii el va fi citit multe carti.
present perfect continous- My brother has been plying piano since he was five years old. Fratele meu canta la pian de cand avea 5 ani.
past perfect continous- I have been waiting for my friend for more than an hour when he arrived. L-am asteptat pe prietenul meu mai bine de o ora pana cand a sosit.
future perfect continous- When she arrived home , will you have been practicing long?

qwerty: Mersi mult
qwerty: Imi poti traduce si ultima intrebare?
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