Engleza, întrebare adresată de rodicammonica, 9 ani în urmă

pune propozitile la trecut
1.They do their homework every day.
2.She helps her mother every weekend.
3.He cleans the board every break.
4.John and Steve write a text every month.
5.The dog sleeps here every afternun


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de danyelos2001
1. They did their homework yesterday
2. She helped her mother last week.
3. He cleaned the board a minute ago.
4. John and Steve wrote a text last month.
5. The dog slept here yesterday.

rodicammonica: ms mult sper sa fie bn
danyelos2001: Pai propozitiile erau formulate la Present Simple si nu puteam sa folosesc "every day, week, month" deoarece sunt adverbe pentru Present Simple. Eu am trecut propozitiile la Past Simple. Deci e bn, coronita pls.
rodicammonica: daaaa
rodicammonica: ai facebook
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