Engleza, întrebare adresată de Englezaaa, 9 ani în urmă

Puneti la Present Perfect Simple sau Past simple!
1) Not too good. I (run) over a dog and (crash) into a lamp post.
2) You (be) to Australia?
3) Yes. I (go) there last summer.
4) You (like) it ?
5) Very much. The Kangaros (be) fantastic.
6) You (make) your hotel reservation yet?
7) I (write) to the Holiday Inn Hotel last week but they (not reply) yet.
8) If I (be) you I would marry Linda.
9) I (propose) to her on Sunday but she (turn) me down.
10) I know you (travel) a lot, Professor Corman. When you first (visit) India ?
11) I just (learn) that Nigel is out of work. Oh you (not know). They (fire) him last year. He ( be) unemployed for six months now .

Doar cei care știu engleză bine .

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de catamarcu96
Not to good. I run over a dog and crashed into a lamp post.
You was to Australia?
Yes. I went there last summer.
You liked it?
Very much. The Kangaros were fantastic.
You made your hotel reservation yet?
I wrote to the Holiday Inn Hotel last week but they didn`t reply yet.
If i was you i would marry Linda.
I proposed to her on Sunday but she turned me down.
Iknow you have travek a lot,Prof. Corman. When you first visit india?
I just learned that Nigel is out of work. Oh you didn`t know.there fired him last year. He was unemployed for six months now.
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