Puneti propozitiile la afirmativ , negativ si interogativ
1. Eu locuiesc in Arad
2. Ele întotdeauna scriu temele
4. Noi câteodată ascultam muzică.
5. El are o coadă mare
6. Ei merg la plimbare in fiecare zi
7. Eu folosesc calculatoarele pentru examenele de matematică
8. Mama face un tort in fiecare dimineață
9. Noi deseori învățăm pentru engleză
10. Ele îneori mesteca guma in clasa
11. Noi plimbăm câinele în parc în fiecare zi
12. Parintilor mei le place muzica
13. Noi suntem din România
14. El este american
15. Noi purtăm uniforme la scoala
Răspunsuri la întrebare
Răspuns de
1. I live in Arad.
I don't live in Arad.
Do you live in Arad?
2. They always write their homework.
They don't always write their homework.
Do they always write their homework?
4. Sometimes we listen to music.
Sometimes we don't listen to music.
Do you ever listen to music?
5. He has a big tail.
He doesn't have a big tail.
Does he have a big tail?
6. They go for a walk everyday.
They don't go for a walk everyday.
Do they go for a walk everyday?
7. I use the calculators for the math exams.
I don't use the calculators for the math exams.
Do you use the calculators for the math exams?
8. Mom makes cake every morning.
Mom doesn't make cake every morning.
Does mom make cake every morning?
9. We often learn for English.
We don't learn for English often.
Do you learn for English often?
10. Sometimes they chew gum in class.
Sometimes they don't chew gum in class.
Do they sometimes chew gum in class?
11. We walk the dog in the park everyday.
We don't walk the dog in the park everyday.
Do you walk the dog in the park everyday?
12. My parents like the music.
My parents don't like the music.
Do your parents like the music?
13. We are from Romania.
We aren't from Romania.
Are you from Romania?
14. He is American.
He isn't American.
Is he American?
15. We wear uniforms at school.
We don't wear uniforms at school.
Do you wear uniform at school?
I don't live in Arad.
Do you live in Arad?
2. They always write their homework.
They don't always write their homework.
Do they always write their homework?
4. Sometimes we listen to music.
Sometimes we don't listen to music.
Do you ever listen to music?
5. He has a big tail.
He doesn't have a big tail.
Does he have a big tail?
6. They go for a walk everyday.
They don't go for a walk everyday.
Do they go for a walk everyday?
7. I use the calculators for the math exams.
I don't use the calculators for the math exams.
Do you use the calculators for the math exams?
8. Mom makes cake every morning.
Mom doesn't make cake every morning.
Does mom make cake every morning?
9. We often learn for English.
We don't learn for English often.
Do you learn for English often?
10. Sometimes they chew gum in class.
Sometimes they don't chew gum in class.
Do they sometimes chew gum in class?
11. We walk the dog in the park everyday.
We don't walk the dog in the park everyday.
Do you walk the dog in the park everyday?
12. My parents like the music.
My parents don't like the music.
Do your parents like the music?
13. We are from Romania.
We aren't from Romania.
Are you from Romania?
14. He is American.
He isn't American.
Is he American?
15. We wear uniforms at school.
We don't wear uniforms at school.
Do you wear uniform at school?
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