Engleza, întrebare adresată de Cirry, 8 ani în urmă

Puneti verbele din paranteza la forma corecta:
1 Mum always ( to buy) fruit and vegetables at the market.
2.Mary (to type) the letter at this very moment.
3.”Ah, now I (to know) what you mean” said he.
4.Andy broke his leg while he (to ski) last winter.
5.Yestrday I (to meet) a very interesting person.
6. He (to finish) just his essay.
7.We ((not to see) any good movies lately.
8. The children (to watch) TV for half and hour.
9.Where you (to go) on holiday next summer?
10.What he (to do) at this time tomorrow?
11.The teacher told us ( to open) our books and start reading the lesson.
12.Last summer mum asked me where I (to want) to go on holiday.
13.I promised Helen I ( to speak) to the form teacher about the trip the next day.
14.John wanted to know if dad (to repair) the car already.
15. I will visit grandma when I ( to finish) my work.
16. If Emily (to find) a new job she will be very happy.
17.They wouldn’t have got a bad grade if they (to learn) the lesson.
18. Martin would look better if he (to have) a hair cut.
19 .Had he listened to me,he ( not to lose) his way in the woods.
20.Unless he writes more clearly the teacher (no to be able to ) read his essay

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de carla1902
7. didn't see
9.will go
10.is gonna do
11. to open
16.will find
17. learnd
19.didn't lose
20.will not be able

Cirry: La 2, nu e ''is typing'' ? Actiunea se desfasoara in vorbirii
Cirry: in momentul vorbirii *
Cirry: Si la 5 meet la trecut nu e met?
Cirry: Multumesc oricum =))
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