Engleza, întrebare adresată de Deea001, 9 ani în urmă

Puneți verbele din paranteză la Prezent Continuu

1. He (drink) milk
2. They (ride) their likes
3. The girl (run)
4. The boys (fly) a kite
5. We (go) to school now
6. The children (have) bunch.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Mihai478
1. is drinking
2. are riding
3.is running
4.are flying 
5.are going.
6.are having 
Răspuns de catamarius09
1. He (drink) milk 2. They (ride) their likes 3. The girl (run) 4. The boys (fly) a kite 5. We (go) to school now 6. The children (have) bunch. 1. He (drink) milk 2. They (ride) their likes 3. The girl (run) 4. The boys (fly) a kite 5. We (go) to school now 6. The children (have) bunch. 1. is drinking 2. are riding 3.is running 4.are flying 5.are going. 6.are having
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