Engleza, întrebare adresată de Diana290, 8 ani în urmă

Puneti verbele din paranteze la timpul corect , respectand toate regulile de concordanta a timpurilor, precum si exceptiile:
1. He said he.... (have to) write down my addres as he.... (not remember) it otherwise.
2. You will never know how much I.... (suffer).
3. A week ago, he decided he.... (change) his job.
4. He discovered to his horror that he.... (eat) the worms in the cherries.
5. After having visited Italy, my friends told me there.... (be) many small houses and narrow streets in Padua.
6. I hoped the company where I.... (work) (not go) bankrupt.
7. After we have finished dinner we.... (drink) coffee and brandy.
8. He was very tired and he.... (hope) he.... (have) time to rest that afternoon.​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de cinevawow



1 had to, did not remember

2. suffered

3. changes

4. had eaten

5. had been

6. work would not have gone

7. drank

8. hoped, had

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