Engleza, întrebare adresată de allyallexandra, 9 ani în urmă

Puneti verbele la forma corecta (Past Simple,Past Continuous ,Past Perfect)
Until 1217 all English forests ans Sherwood Forest .....(belong) to the Norman Kings,They were royal hunting grounds and Saxon people ........(not have) the right to hunt in them .The rules for the royal hunting ground.......(always be) strict ,but William I,also called William the Conqueror ,made them stricter. If a man killed a deer without the king's permission his eye was put out ,or his hand wass cut off.No wonder that when William I died nobody........(fell) sorry for him . He ....(be) too cruel to them ,He.......(make) so many wise laws that although the English admired him,they could not love him.
William II ,one of the Conqueror's three sons,was even crueller than his father.He was called William Rufus ,or the Red King because of his red face and hair .He ......(make) the forest laws even harsher than before .While he .......(hunt),nobody was allowed to walk in the forest . What is more a man was hanged if he ......(kill) a deer .It is no wonder than people said than evil would catch him some day in the dephs of the Forest.By the time he died,their words ......(come) true.
Multumesc :)

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Maristela
Belonged- didn't have- had always been- felt- had been- made- had been- had made- was hunting- had killed- came

allyallexandra: Multumesc mult :)
Răspuns de Delly10
Belonged, didn't have, had always been, felt, had been, made, had been, had made, was hunting, had killed, came.
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