Engleza, întrebare adresată de decapetronela, 8 ani în urmă

Put a cross (x) by any of the options below that cannot complete the
sentence. Put a question mark beside any that are possible but very unlikely:
1. Tom just told me he is/was going home because he doesn’t feel well.
2. According to Shakespeare, life is/was nothing but a walking shadow.
3. It‟s reported that there has been/had been a massive earthquake in
4. Shakespeare wrote that all the world is/was a stage.
5. Can you believe it, he‟s told the others he has/had passed Proficiency?
6. Mark says he’d/he’ll see you later.
7. He told me just now he is/was going to leave the town.
8. My mother was always saying that you can/could take a horse to water but
you can’t/couldn’t make it drink.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de georgianaiuliana2003



2.  /x


4.  /x

5.  /x


7.  /

8. x/, x/

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