Engleza, întrebare adresată de georgianaa16, 8 ani în urmă

Put each verb in brackets into a suitable tense. All sentences refer to future time.
a) My friends are coming (come) to visit me this weekend.
b) ‘I’m so busy. I never get time to clean my car.’ ‘I _________ (do) it for you.’
c) John _________ (come) to clean my car for me tomorrow, as I never have time.
d) I _________ (look) around the shops. Do you want anything?
e) ‘Would you like to order now?’ ‘Yes, we _________ (have) steak and chips, please.’
f) ‘When _________ (you leave)?’
‘Next Sunday, I _________ (get) the train to London and then _________ (fly) to Paris.’
‘What time _________ (be) your train?’
‘It _________ (leave) at 9 am and _________ (stop) at every station.’
‘Oh, no! I _________ (give) a lift to the airport in my car.’
‘That’s great, thank you.’
g) I can’t come on Sunday. I _________ (give) Rose a lift to the airport.
‘Don’t forget to ring me and tell me what time to expect you.’ ‘Don’t worry, I _________ (not forget).’

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Swoosh
1.will do
2.is coming
3.will look
4.will have
5.you are leaving
6.will get, fly
7.will be
8.will leave, will stop
9.will give
10.will give
11.i will dont forget

georgianaa16: Multumesc mult :*
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