Engleza, întrebare adresată de denTISgger, 8 ani în urmă

 Put in the right tense or form of the verb in brackets.

(to come)
1. My uncle ____________   to see us yesterday.  He usually __________ every week.
2. They ____________ n' t  ________________ to see us since last March.

(to eat)
3._____________ you  _______________ all that pizza last night?

(to send)
4. Yesterday my friend ____________ home from school because he did not feel well.

(to finish)
5.We can go out when we ________________________our homework.
6.  ________ you
_____________________sweeping out the room last night, Mary?

(to by)
7.  You must go to bed. It ________________ late now.  You ____________ tired.
8._______________ you sure they are coming by bus? ​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de mananamaria36



2.They did not come to see us since last March.

3.Did you eat all that pizza last night?



6.Did you finish sweeping...

7.is, are.


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