Engleza, întrebare adresată de andreifuduli24, 8 ani în urmă

put past simple or past continuous

While she
(make) the pastry, the dog
(jump) on a chair and
longingly at the steak. At last it
(take the steak in its mouth
(jump) off the chair, just as Mrs. Anderson
(come) back into the dining room. Mrs. Anderson
(scream), but the dog
(run) into
the garden. She
(run) after the dog. While she
(chase) the dog, the cat
(jump) on the table and
(start) drinking the cream. Mrs.
(not manage) to catch the dog, and she
(come) back into the dining room. When she
(see) the cat, she
(shriek), and the cat
(get) such a fright that it
a meter into the air, and
(leap) out the window. Mrs.
(throw) her broom at the cat, but she
(miss), and
(break) the window. At
the same time she
(overbalance) and
_(put) her hand in the cream, spilling it all over the tablecloth.
Poor Mrs. Anderson - she
(have) no dinner, only a dirty
tablecloth and a broken window.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de iliesedaniel


Was making, jumped, looked, took, jumped, came, screamed, ran, was chaising, jumped, start ed, didn't manage, came, saw, shrieked, got, jumped, leaped, throwed, missed, broke, overvalanced, put, had. Sper ca te-am ajutat ✌️

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