put the verbs in brackets in correct tense form:
a)They (to furnish) the flat all day.
b)My elder brother (to decorate) his room since morning .
c)She (to live) in this city since childhood.
d)The reporter asked the workers how long they (to do ) the finishing work in the newly built house.
e)You already ( to move ) into a new flat ?
f)My uncle (to replace ) the furniture in his flat since early morning .
g)She said ( to live )in the city for ten years .
h)When I came in ,Nick (to look ) for information about Stefan cel Mare for half an hour.
Va rog am mare nevoie ,urgent dau coronita !!
Răspunsuri la întrebare
Put the verbs in brackets in correct tense form:
Puneți verbele din paranteze la forma corectă a timpurilor verbale:
Rezolvarea exercițiului:
a) They (to furnish) the flat all day.
They have furnished the flat all day.
Ei au mobilat apartamentul toată ziua.
b) My elder brother (to decorate) his room since morning.
My elder brother has been decorating his room since morning.
Fratele meu mai mare își decorează/amenajează camera de dimineață.
c) She (to live) in this city since childhood.
She has lived in this city since childhood.
Ea locuiește în acest oraș din copilărie.
d) The reporter asked the workers how long they (to do) the finishing work in the newly built house.
The reporter asked the workers how long they had done the finishing work in the newly built house.
Reporterul i-a întrebat pe muncitori în cât timp au făcut lucrarea de finisaj din casa nou construită.
e) You already (to move) into a new flat?
Have you already moved into a new flat?
Te-ai mutat deja într-un apartament nou?
f ) My uncle (to replace) the furniture in his flat since early morning.
My uncle has replaced the furniture in his flat since early morning.
Unchiul meu a înlocuit mobila din apartamentul lui din zorii dimineții.
g) She said (to live) in the city for ten years.
She said she had lived in the city for ten years.
Ea a spus că locuise în oraș de zece ani.
h) When I came in, Nick (to look) for information about Ștefan cel Mare for half an hour.
When I came in, Nick had been looking for information about Ștefan cel Mare for half an hour.
Când am intrat, Nick căuta informații despre Ștefan cel Mare de o jumătate de oră.